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nitmiluk katherine gorge
Welcome to the Magnificent Nitmiluk Katherine Gorge in Australia's Northern Territory.

Situated 30 km from the town of Katherine, the Katherine River winds its way through the 13 gorges of Nitmiluk Gorge before passing through Katherine township.

There are a multitude of walks, tours and canoes to hire to get you around the Gorge.
But to really see the Gorge you need to do a boat or canoe trip.

All the photos seen here are from a leisurely canoe trip we did in July02 up to the end of the 3rd Gorge. It took 5 hours to return at our sightseeing pace so if you want to have a swim, take photos and scramble over rocks for the day we recommend a paddle up Nitmiluk Katherine Gorge.

캐서린 계곡 소재 니드밀럭 국립 공원

This time of year the water is crystal clear after settling down from the wet season rush

The length of rapids between the 3rd & 4th Gorge make it a challenge to continue on in the one day and it is only recommended for persons camping overnight in the 5th, 6th & 7th Gorges.
2nd Gorge looking down at Jedda's rock These images were obtained during the July02 paddle
view from our wedding site at the first Gorge (10 years in July02)   End of the 3rd , looking over the long portage to the 4th Gorge around the corner
Rapids in the first gorge, this is why you change tour boats  

Southern Rockhole

Here is a demonstration of the wonderful waterfalls you get to see during the "wet season" up the Nitmiluk Katherine Gorge.

The image when the waterfall is flowing was taken on a balmy & hot day after hiking up to the falls. This is typical of how it looks during the "wet".

The dry season shot was late in October before the rains had returned, this is how most Gorge visitors see it. ( Southern Rockhole is situated in the First Gorge.


Note the person walking at the bottom of the "dry" falls


Southern Rockhole is a 3 hour return bushwalk of about 7.5 km return
This photo was taken on Australia Day 26th January 2003.
You will only see it like this during the wet season (or at the end)

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Drove from Katherine to Nitmiluk, walked in the rain, crossed the creeks, took a stack of photos, went to the lookout twice, had a bite to eat at Southern Rockhole and returned to Katherine in about 3.5 hours.